2008 National Commercial Casino & Racino Gaming Revenue Analysis
A Period of Adjustment Oops! The giant hissing noise is the balloon of gaming that has been slowly losing air over the years. It hasn't been a wave that has lowered all boats, however, some new and expanding gaming jurisdictions have shown strong growth in 2008 Overall, gaming revenues in the commercial and racetrack sectors (excluding Indian gaming) fell by 3.5 percent for 2008. They generated a total of 36.2 billion dollars, down $800 million since 2007. Racinos have tempered the decline, with a gain in 2008 of nearly $1 billion. This brings the commercial sector down to $1.8 billion or 6.7%. Nevada suffered the largest loss in 2008 with a drop of almost $1.3 billion. More than half came from the Las Vegas Strip segment. Hunkering down Casino operators were largely caught off guard by the severity of the 2008 revenue decline, which was only felt in the third and fourth quarterly periods. In recent years, construction and expansions have been a flurry of activity as a re